Monday, February 18, 2013

MySQL Cluster on Windows my way

Welcome to crash mysql cluster master page :-)

Lets plan to implement it this way.

NodeIP Address
Management (MGMD) node192.168.0.10
MySQL server (SQL) node192.168.0.20
Data (NDBD) node "A"
Data (NDBD) node "B"

Precautions: Always use forward slashesh or 2 backward slasesh for specifying the paths in config or ini files.

Step 1: Download and install (on sqlnode host or
  • Download Binaries here
  •  Extract the zip to c:\mysql directory. If you put into c drive you will need admin rights to start management console. If you put in c:\users\\mysqlc you dont need admin rights to start anything so choice is yours.
    Note: Basically you need full rights on the directory.
  • Add path c:\mysql\bin to Environment Variable.
  • leave this and come back on step 3
Step 2: Setup management node
  • Create c:\mysql\bin directory
  • copy ndb_mgmd.exe and ndb_mgm.exe in c:\mysql\bin from sqlnode host

    > Note: we just need these executables on management node.
  • Create local configuration file my.ini - this file needs only to supply the location of configuration file

    # options for manangement node process
  • Create configuration file config.ini with below content and save to c:\mysql\bin
[ndbd default]

HostName=               # Hostname or IP address of management node
DataDir=C:/mysql/bin/cluster-logs   # Directory for management node log files

# Options for data node "A":  # (one [ndbd] section per data node)
HostName=           # Hostname or IP address

# Options for data node "B":
HostName=           # Hostname or IP address

# SQL node options:
HostName=           # Hostname or IP address

Step 3: Setup sql node
  •  create c:\mysql\my.ini with below content
# Options for mysqld process:
ndbcluster                      # run NDB storage engine
ndb-connectstring=  # location of management server

#use different port if you already have mysql server running or uncomment below

#provide basedir and datadire if they are not in c:\ drive

Step 4: Setup Data nodes

Follow the below steps on data node hosts.
  • Create c:\mysql and c:\mysql\bin and c:\mysql\bin\cluster-data directory
  • Copy ndbd.exe from ( into c:\bin
    Note: we just need this executable and nothing else for data node.
  • Create my.ini into c:\mysql\my.ini and add below content

    # Options for data node process:
    ndb-connectstring=  # location of management server

Step 4: Start the cluster.
  • 1st start managment nodec:\mysql\bin> ndb_mgmd -f config.ini [--initial]
    Important: management node cashes the configuration data that it reads from config.ini. If you make any changes in configuration you must provide --reload option or --initial option to realod the configuration otherwise the -f config.ini option will be ignored from 2nd run onward
    Note: remove "[" and "]" if you are using the --initial option
    Note: -f or --config-file is same.
    Important: By default cluster create configuration cache in c:\mysql\bin\mysql-cluster directory but you can override with --configdir option.
  • 2nd start data nodesc:\mysql\bin> ndbdNote: as long as you are running the process from bin directory and your my.ini file is in the bin directory you dont need provide any path.
  • Start Node Manager to see what's going on..c:\mysql\bin> ndb_mgmndb_mgm> show ndb_mgm>ALL STATUS
  • finally, start sql nodec:\mysql\bin>mysqld --console

    Note: console option provide more details and can be used for debugging purpose. Again as long as you keep the my.ini in the bin directory you dont need provide any path.

Known Errors & Resolutions.
  • If data nodes are stopping then Start node with --initial parameter, ie. >ndbd --initial
  • If data directory are stored in different location than default binary location
  • The below option "--console" provides debugging information when used with mysqld

    c:\mysql\> mysqld --console


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